Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rate The Selling on iTunes

Today we are finishing our kickstarter to Help The Selling Get A Limited Theatrical Release.

The outpouring of support has been overwhelming and wonderful! Super huge thanks to all our backers and anyone who shared the project over the last 30 days. We are blubbering.

Because of those wonderful backers we are going to be able to give The Selling a limited theatrical release. This does two things. First it's awesome and fun and it's the way movies are made to be seen. Second it gives the movie better placement on venues like iTunes.


The other thing that helps with iTunes is reviews and ratings. If you've seen the movie and you have iTunes it would be amazing if you could take a second and rate the movie on it's preorder page.

You are our marketing team. You are the people that tell the aggregators like iTunes and Amazon what is good and what deserves to be seen. This is what has the potential to change the world of entertainment. It's you!!!

If you haven't already also like the movie on Facebook to keep up with all the exciting stuff that's going on!

One of those things will be smashing a pie into Gabriel Diani's face because young filmmaker Pierre Schantz made this video.
Let's Get Gabriel!

Thanks guys!